Wednesday, 31 October 2007

i'm bored. i guess skipping school wasn't a great idea afterall. but still, most of my friends are not in school either. it won't make a difference by going.
i need entertainment!

whatever it is, something's bothering me. i'm in denial again. what is wrong with me?!
why is everything turning around again? i guess, things are meant to happen yet, i feel so trapped and lost.

maybe, i'm just thinking too much and making things up in my mind assuming that everything was like that which might not actually be that way. i'm just making things more complicated. maybe, i'm over-thinking stuffs.
those hints and words are driving me up the wall.

what do you want from me?
i'm trying to left me dumb*struck.
lead me to the rightful path, please.
if you can, let out the truth. *
you know you love me, xoxo.
2:12 pm
Labels: emo
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
anyways... right then. been busy attending my uncle's wedding days during the weekends. wedding ceremony on saturday and wedding dinner on sunday at legend hotel's grand ballroom, kuala lumpur. we actually arrived slightly later. was supposed to be there at 7pm but we reached there at 7.45pm. you know how wedding dinners are, they NEVER start exactly at the time stated on the invitation card. everything got dragged up to around 8-ish pm. -.- typical.
all the decorations are really grand. i like the ambience of the ballroom too. calm and pretty. (: apart from the leaking of the air-cond from above -.- wth. dripping on my arms and my dress. urgh. such a turn off. food's okay. better than expected; pork weren't served as it's a hotel. so all food served are halal. so yeah... oh oh! i took pictures too. but just a note to rmb, i don't have a camera yet, and i'm using my cousin's camera. so there are not that many pictures taken and i'm not really used to posting pictures yet as well. so picture time i supposed. (:
then... decided to camwhore at home. uh huh. i mean, u don't get occasions like these every so often. :D
it's weird to see pictures, and it brings back so many memories. it's like you really are frozen at that particular moment.
that's all for now. take care. toodles.

signed out *
p.s: why are you still there?
you know you love me, xoxo.
8:58 pm
Labels: daily ramblings, food, pictures, wedding
Saturday, 27 October 2007

went for the wedding this morning.
weather's pretty hot today.
sun's blazing its rays on us. goodness.
knew that i shouldn't have went but oh well. just got back. not like i can undo anything.
-.- as if i actually will.

wedding ceremony was at 2. thank god.
don't have to wake up that early. still bunking in my bed at 10am. :D
blardy proud.
anyways, went there. wasn't much fun. most of them went over to the bride's house already.
play along with my cousin's. since they're so much younger than me, i had to feed them lunch whereas their grandmas are all mahjong-ing upstairs.
typical. lols.
so much for going there and got nothing. bored and tired.
i guess that's all for now. have to hit the showers. sweaty.

p.s: the bride's not that pretty. my 'kao fu' looks so much better than her. shh.
you know you love me, xoxo.
4:12 pm
Labels: daily ramblings, lepak, wedding
Friday, 26 October 2007

ponteng-ed school today. ;p
was lazy, so decided to stay home and sleep.
pigging out at home. nothing much to do in school anyways. so yeah.

went for a wedding buffet just now in the evening.
my mom's cousin is getting married & they had a get together thing on the night before the wedding tmr. went over.
grandma didn't come with us, which is quite sad...
oh well. ):

food was okay. not great but okay.
watched my 2 cousin's played. one is 3 yrs old; the other is 2.
perfect combo. running around like there's no tmr. seriously. they nvr get tired.
sheesh` lol.
somehow, watching them run always put a smile on my face seeing how happy and innocent they look. they have nothing to worry bout.
i wish i was their age & get to play along with them...
i miss childhood.
well, that's all bout it really. i've got nothing much to crap. have to wake up early for tmr's wedding. -.- crap`
oh oh! i camwhored too. it's been awhile since i took pictures of myself.
but i'm having loads of pimples popping everywhere on my face. =/
signed out*
p.s: pms-ing. period pains.
you know you love me, xoxo.
11:43 pm
Labels: buffet, daily ramblings, food, pictures, wedding
Thursday, 25 October 2007
you know you love me, xoxo.
10:28 pm
Labels: daily ramblings
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
please let her be okay.
everything's a blur..
i don't like the sight of her on the hospital bed with needle and tubes...
god, hear my prayers*
this is the time when everything doesn't go my way.
signing out,
you know you love me, xoxo.
9:49 pm
Labels: emo
Monday, 22 October 2007
classes were boring today. no physics as the teacher's absent. still on her raya hols i supposed. lol. and it had been raining all morning. imagine that.

got back chemistry, history and math paper.
80 for chemistry.
66 for history.
flunked math. screw it!
the day could get alot worse.
got home. grandma, brother and cousins were not at home.
and when they came home.
the first thing they tell me is that grandma is sick.
you know you love me, xoxo.
6:11 pm
Labels: daily ramblings, emo