Monday, 19 May 2008

Fast Forward

why does always bad moments have to last longer than the good ones?

it's making me sick & tired of trying to get over the phobia (yes, i fear exams. literally have a phobia) of having exams to be over. it's monday today & i have 3 more days left before we go for the mid year break. but those 3 days seems so long away plus i have exams as well. i'm drenched out of having facts & formulae getting implanted in my brains, it's like it's gonna explode & squish out from my skull! sheesh. the day is dragging itself. i can't wait for exams to be over but come to think of it, the next exams i'll be facing will be trials which i think is hell alot worse.

just stab me please. anything. oh, what the heck, i have to live through it. no matter how much i'm complaining, i need to face it nevertheless. ):

i always thought reality is a lesson to learn for me to stand strong & suck in everything i've got to face the world. but you know what, i'm out of breath. seriously. i need a break but it always bring guilt in the end.

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